Explore ASEE Awards

Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award

This award recognizes the contribution of Theo C. Pilkington as a true pioneer in Biomedical Engineering who contributed significantly to the advancement of Biomedical Engineering Education. The Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) of ASEE anually awards the Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award. This award is conferred by the division for significant contributions to biomedical engineering education as evidenced by the development of successful undergraduate or graduate level programs, curricula, publications as well as by membership and activities in ASEE/BED and other biomedical engineering organizations. The award consists of a commemorative plaque and a check for $350.00.


No Renomination Process


Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award

This award recognizes the contribution of Theo C. Pilkington as a true pioneer in Biomedical Engineering who contributed significantly to the advancement of Biomedical Engineering Education. The Biomedical Engineering Division (BED) of ASEE anually awards the Theo C. Pilkington Outstanding Educator Award. This award is conferred by the division for significant contributions to biomedical engineering education as evidenced by the development of successful undergraduate or graduate level programs, curricula, publications as well as by membership and activities in ASEE/BED and other biomedical engineering organizations. The award consists of a commemorative plaque and a check for $350.00.


No Renomination Process