Public Policy Committee Bylaws



The Engineering Deans Council Public Policy Committee of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is the leadership organization of communication with the public sector available to the Engineering Deans Council (EDC) American Society for Engineering Education.


Since both engineering education and engineering research are greatly impacted by public policy, it is entirely appropriate that a mechanism for close communication with the public sector be available to the Engineering Deans Council (EDC) American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). In particular, it is important to make both the Congress and the President aware of the vital importance of the engineering profession to our society and to our economy. It is equally desirable to promote engineering education and research through the agencies of the Federal Government. Further, it is desirable to have a mechanism to enable both EDC and ASEE to keep abreast of public policy developments which affect the well-being of engineering education. The Public Policy Committee is a creation and standing committee of the Engineering Deans Council of ASEE and is designed for these purposes. While the Public Policy Committee is responsible to promote communication with the public sector, it is not a lobbying organization and does not function as such.


Section 1.

The PPC is made up of fifteen members, appointed from the membership of EDC by the Chair of EDC. These members serve three-year terms on a rotating basis, such that five new or renewed appointments are made each year, as five members are retired from the committee. Should a member leave the deanship, he or she will automatically retire from the PPC at the end of the year, defined by the annual ASEE meeting. Any member may resign at any time, as well. In either case, the Chair of EDC will appoint a replacement to serve for the remainder of the three-year term.

Section 2.

The committee also includes a number of ex-officio members. The chair of EDC, the president of ASEE, and the executive director of ASEE are ex-officio, non-voting members of the PPC. Other directors of EDC are ex-officio, voting members.


Section 1.

The officers of the PPC shall include a chair and a vice chair. The chair shall serve two years. The vice chair shall normally serve two years. The vice chair is an incumbent second year member elected by the membership of PPC and succeeds to the chair. The chair conducts the business meetings of PPC and serves as program chair of the annual Public Policy Colloquium. The vice chair serves in the absence of the chair. The secretary of the PPC is a staff member of ASEE headquarters.

Section 2.

The content of the annual colloquium is suggested by a program committee which includes the chair of PPC, the vice chair of PPC, and the chair of EDC. It is then discussed, modified and approved by the PPC.

Section 3.

The nominating committee is composed of the chair of PPC, the vice chair of PPC, the immediate past chair of EDC, and the executive director of ASEE. In addition to nominating a slate of potential members for consideration by the chair of EDC, it nominates two of the five incumbent second year members as candidates for the vice chair.


Section 1.

Appointments to membership shall be made to coincide with the June meeting. Election of the vice chair shall occur during the spring meeting at EDI (in odd numbered years) and service shall begin at the June meeting. Likewise, the vice chair shall succeed to the Chair at the June meeting. The chair’s term of office shall be two years. Also, the vice chair’s term of office shall be two years. This will necessitate the reappointment or extended appointment of these offices by the chair of EDC.

Section 2.

Meetings of the PPC are open to any member of EDC, although voting is restricted to the members of the PPC. Other non-members may be invited by the chair for purposes communication and information transfer, or as deemed necessary by the chair.


Section 1. Chairperson

The chair of this committee shall perform the duties which usually devolve upon that office.

Section 2. Vice Chairperson

The vice chair shall serve as chair in the absence of the chair at any function or meeting of the Public Policy Committee.

Section 3. Functions and Duties of the Public Policy Committee

The Public Policy Committee (PPC) shall conduct a public policy colloquium each year in February in Washington, D.C. This Colloquium is designed to initiate and promote communication between EDC and the federal government. Attendance shall be open to deans of engineering and others as designated by the committee, but may be limited by the committee. The results of the colloquium shall be disseminated to the EDC and to others as directed by EDC.

Section 4.

Further, the PPC may use other mechanisms as it sees fit to promote communication between EDC and the public sector, including the dissemination of information proceeding from the public sector directly to the deans or as directed by EDC. These also may include ad hoc committees, appointed by the chair to address issues as they arise.


Section 1.

Meetings of the PPC shall be held in conjunction with the public policy colloquium in February, the Engineering Deans Institute in the spring, the annual meeting in June and once independently in the fall in Washington, D.C. The chair normally presides and the vice chair presides in the absence of the chair.