Rocky Mountain Section Bylaws

Rocky Mountain Section Bylaws

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Revised 2023


Section 1.   The name of this organization shall be the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Society for  Engineering Education (ASEE).
Section 2.   The Section’s geographical boundary is determined by the ASEE Board of Directors. The Section is further subdivided into the East and West Regions (roughly by the Continental Divide) for administrative convenience.
Section 3.   The objectives of this Section shall be:
  1. To further the purposes of the ASEE as set forth in its Constitution and Bylaws;
  2. To provide the opportunity for discussion of opportunities and problems in engineering education;
  3. To promote the improvement of instructional methodology and procedures;
  4. To cultivate a fraternal spirit among engineering teachers, administrators, investigators, industrialists, and practitioners of the Rocky Mountain Section.


Section 1.    Membership shall be of two classes: individual and institutional.
  1. Individual membership shall be composed of all individual members of the Society residing in the Section.
  2. Institutional membership shall be composed of all institutional members of the Society located within the Section.


Section 1.    The officers shall consist of the Section Chair, Past Section Chair, Vice Chair East, Vice Chair West, Annual Meeting Chair, and Clerk.
Section 2.    The Chair, Past Section Chair, Annual Meeting Chair, and Clerk shall hold office for one year. The Vice Chair East and Vice Chair West shall be elected in alternating years for a period of two years and shall be Section Chair-Elect on an alternating annual basis.
Section 3.    The Section Executive Committee shall solicit nominations for Vice Chair East or Vice Chair West, whichever is due to be filled.  The voting shall be completed by June 15 each year, typically at the Annual Section Meeting. All section members should be given sufficient opportunity to vote either through electronic means or at the Annual Meeting.
Section 4.    The Clerk and Annual Meeting Chair shall be appointed by the Section Executive Committee. These roles can be filled by section members or concurrently filled by elected section officers.
Section 5.    All officers shall take office following the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition each year.
Section 6.    The Section’s Executive Committee will consist of the Section Chair, Immediate Past Section Chair, Vice Chair East, Vice Chair West, and Clerk.
Section 7.    Liaison representatives may be appointed from the Divisions of ASEE (e.g., Relations with Industry (RWI) and Educational Research Methods (ERM)).
Section 8.    If a vacancy occurs in any of the offices, such vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the Executive Committee.
Section 9.    Duties of officers:
  1. The Section Chair shall:
    1. Be familiar with the objectives of the national, zone, and section organizations and be responsible for their implementation in the Section;
    2. Be responsible for the functioning of the Section;
    3. Preside at business meetings of the Section and meetings of the Executive Committee;
    4. Be an ex-officio member of all Section Committees;
    5. Be a representative to the Council of Sections, Zone IV;
  2. The Section Past Chair shall:
    1. Preside at meetings in the absence of the Section Chair;
  3. The East/West Vice Chair (who is Chair Elect) shall:
    1. Be responsible for all activities associated with awards: promotion, soliciting nominations, and presentation;
    2. Be a representative to the Council of Sections Zone IV.
  4. The East/West Vice Chair (who is not Chair Elect) shall:
    1. Serve as Chair of the Campus Representatives of the region with the responsibility to encourage:
      1. cooperative effective teaching programs between schools, and
      2. communication between Campus Representatives and Deans on a regional basis.
  5. The Annual Meeting Chair shall:
    1. Work with the Executive Committee to establish the location and schedule for the Section’s Annual Meeting
    2. Form and chair a Meeting Program Committee to organize and implement the Section’s Annual Meeting
  6. The Clerk  shall:
    1. Record the minutes of the Section business meeting and Executive Committee meetings.
    2. Be authorized to disburse Section funds at the discretion of the Chair;
    3. Maintain appropriate financial records.


Section 1.    The Section shall present at least two awards at each annual meeting:  Outstanding Campus Representative and Outstanding Teacher. Other awards could include Best Paper and Best Presentation.
Section 2.    The annual Meeting Program Committee will determine the method of selecting the Best Paper and Best Presentation Awards and notify the Executive Committee of the selection procedures before the Annual Meeting. These awards will include a certificate and possibly an honorarium in an amount determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 3.    The award qualifications will follow ASEE rules for the Section Outstanding Teaching Award is to be determined by the section Executive Committee.  A certificate and possibly an honorarium in an amount determined by the Executive Committee will be presented to the winner.


Section 1.    The Rocky Mountain Section shall hold an Annual Meeting.  The Executive Committee will work with the Annual Meeting Chair to determine the date and location of the Annual Meeting.
Section 2.    A registration fee to defray a reasonable portion of the cost of the Section Annual Meeting may be assessed by those individuals attending the meeting.
Section 3.    The Section Chair shall hold a meeting of the Executive Committee in the fall of each year to plan the year's activities, review bylaws, and assign officer responsibilities. The Zone IV Chair shall be invited to attend.


Section 1.    Amendments to the Bylaws shall be made at any annual meeting by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the same meeting.