North Midwest Section Bylaws

North Midwest Section Bylaws

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(Adopted October 8, 1985,
Amended October 8, 1991, October 9, 1994, September 28, 2001, October 10, 2003)

Article I. Name and Objectives

1. The name of this organization shall be the NORTH MIDWEST SECTION of the American Society for Engineering Education.

2.  The objectives are those of the Society with special emphasis upon such aspects as:

a)  the creation locally and sectionally of a climate favorable to the growth of an engineering community - technically, professionally and socially;
b)  the direction of individual and group thinking toward those aspects of engineering and technology education that are pertinent to the Section area;
c)  the promotion of efforts to acquire increased breadth of outlook and insight into the activities and trends of the Society at the national level;
d)  the promotion of liaison among member institutions.

Article II. Membership

  • Membership shall be Institutional and Individual, as provided for in this Article.
  • An Institutional membership in the Section is granted to all Institutional members of the Society,
     which are located in the geographical area of the Section as defined by the Society.
  • The Individual membership shall include all individual members of the Society residing within the geographic boundaries of the Section. All individuals, located in the North Midwest Section jurisdiction who are not individual or institutional members of ASEE are eligible to participate in the functions of the North Midwest Section but are not eligible for membership on the Executive Committee.
  • The Section shall not charge dues for either Institutional or Individual membership.

Article III. Officers

  • The Elected Officers shall consist of a Chair, Program Chair, Program Chair Elect, Secretary Treasurer, Secretary Treasurer Elect, Section Campus Representative, Section Campus Representative Elect, Newsletter Editor and Newsletter Editor Elect.

    a)  The Chair, Chair Elect, and Section Campus Representative shall serve as representatives to the Zone III Council.

    b)  With the exception of the Chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Section Campus Representative who should serve for two (2) years, the Elected Officers shall serve for one ( 1) year. Terms of Office for all officers shall coincide with that of the Society officers, beginning at the next  Society meeting following the election.

    c)  The Section Chair may designate person/s to assist in accomplishing the duties of the office. The title and responsibility for the position, however, shall reside with one individual.

  • The Section shall elect two (2) representatives from industry chosen from within the Section. The term of office of each representative shall be two (2) years. One representative shall be elected each year, and the terms of office shall be overlapping. Each representative shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
  • The Chair assumes the responsibility for the functioning of the Section. The Chair shall:

    a)  preside at all Business and Executive Committee meetings of the Section;

    b)  appoint all standing committees authorized by the Section and ad hoc committees authorized by the members or by the Section -Executive Committee;

    c)  serve as ex-officio member of all committees;

    d)  inform the Executive Director of ASEE and the Chair of Zone III of the dates and location of all meetings , immediately after the dates are fixed;

    e)  keep the Executive Director (ASEE Headquarters) and the Chair of Zone III informed regarding all activities of the Section;

    f)  extend a welcome to all new ASEE members within the Section upon receipt of the periodic listing from ASEE Headquarters;

    g)  recommend to the Executive Committee the nomination for Archivist;

    h)  confirm the appointment of industrial representatives and issue them invitations to the Section meeting;

    i)  submit nomination of Zone III Outstanding Campus Representative to the Chair of Zone III;

    j)  contact the deans of colleges after the annual meeting of the Section to update the membership for the Executive Committee and for the Campus Representatives. This list of names, addresses, and phone numbers should be disseminated to the Chair Elect, Campus Representative, Chair of Zone III, and ASEE Member Services;

    k)  write letters of appreciation to all Section Officers, with copies to their deans, at the close of their terms of office.

  • The Secretary/Treasurer shall assume the duties of the Chair if the Chair is not present for a meeting
     and shall:

    a)  keep all minutes and records of Section activities;
    b)  collect all Section income and disburse all monies authorized by Section;
    c)  maintain an auditable bank account and reasonable financial records;
    d) submit a financial report at the annual meeting of the Section;
    e)  within two (2) weeks following the annual meeting of the Section mail to the Executive Director of ASEE, to the Chair of Zone III, and to the Section Executive Committee, one copy each of the minutes of the annual meeting;
    f)  after receiving appropriate forms from the Executive Director of ASEE, and at least one (I) month prior to the Annual Conference, forward to the Chair of Zone III and to the Executive Director of ASEE, a copy of the annual report;
    g)  forward to the Section Secretary Treasurer Elect the records for the current year and the year immediately preceding;
    h) send all other records in his/her possession to the Archivist, by June first of the following year;
    i)  mail to the Dean and to the library of each member institution a copy of the Proceedings within two months following the annual meeting of the Section.
  • The Program Chair shall be responsible for planning and organizing the annual meeting which occurs during his/her term of office.
  • The Archivist shall be appointed or reappointed by the Executive Committee. There is no limit on the number of successive reappointments that may be made. The Archivist shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee without vote. If the Archivist has not received a report from the Secretary Treasurer before the time of the Annual Conference, he/she is to institute an inquiry as to the deficiency. He/she shall see that newly elected officers receive a copy of the Section By-Laws immediately following the annual Section meeting.
  • The Section Campus Representative shall be responsible for:

    a)  serving as a focal point for all section-related campus representative activities;
    b)  serving as a stimulus for the promotion of campus representative-related section activities;
    c)  arranging for an annual campus representative meeting to be held at the annual meeting of the section;
    d) nomination of a campus representative for the Zone III Outstanding Campus Representative award;
    e) work with all Campus Representatives within the Section to promote ASEE membership.
  • The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for publishing a Section Newsletter at least twice yearly containing issues and items of interest to the section membership.

Article IV. Executive Committee

  • The affairs of the Section shall be in the hands of an Executive Committee consisting of the Elected Officers, Immediate Past Chair, one ( 1) member from each of the member institutions, and two (2) representatives from industry.
  • The Chair of the Section shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee.
  • The term of office of the Executive Committee shall coincide with the terms of office of the Elected Officers.
  • The Executive Committee shall schedule an annual meeting for the day preceding the North Midwest Section meeting.

Article V. Committees

  • a)  The Committee on Nominations shall consist of the Dean of the host institution two years hence, and/or her/ his designates. This committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the offices of, Program Chair Elect, Secretary/Treasurer Elect and Newsletter Editor Elect.
    b) The committee on Nominations shall present a list of nominees for the elected offices at the annual business meeting. Election of officers shall be by ballot of the registered attendees at the annual business meeting. A simple majority shall elect.
  • The Committee on Resolutions shall be appointed by the Section Chair on the first day of the annual meeting. The Committee shall consist of three (3) members from non-host institutions, and shall present its report at the closing session of the annual meeting.
  • The Committee on the Edward P. Mikol Award for the outstanding paper presentation at the annual meeting shall be appointed annually. The Award consists of a $100 cash prize plus a certificate attesting to the recipient's selection for this award. Funding for the award comes from North Midwest Section BASS funds. All papers presented at the Section meeting will be eligible for award consideration provided they are submitted by the deadline set by the Section Program Chair and in the format prescribed for publication in the proceedings. The winner will be formally acknowledged at the banquet of the following year's meeting. The award recipient's presence at the Annual Section Dinner is not a condition for receiving the award. The judges' decision will be based upon written paper content, delivery, and appropriateness to engineering and technology education as well as Section meeting theme.
  • The Campus Representatives of the Section shall submit as a committee of the whole a nominee for Section Campus Representative Elect. Election shall take place in odd numbered years according to Article V.I.b. This person shall serve for a period of one year and assume the position of Section Campus Representative for two years.
  • The By-Laws Committee. consisting of three (3) members appointed by the Chair, shall report its recommendations to the Section at the annual executive committee meeting.

Article VI. Meetings

  • There shall be one (I) meeting of the NORTH MIDWEST SECTION annually, held in the early Fall, at a time to be designated by the host institution and approved by the Executive Committee.
  • The registration fee:
    a) establishes eligibility for attendance at all session of the annual meeting;
    b) may be suspended for members located at the host institution.
  • The host institution schedule will be the following:

    2003    Iowa State University
    2004   University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    2005   South Dakota State University
    2006   University of Wisconsin-Stout
    2007   Michigan Technological University
    2008   University of Wisconsin - Platteville
    2009   Marquette University, Milwaukee
    2010   Minnesota State University, Mankato
    2011   University of Minnesota-Duluth
    2012   St. Cloud State University
    2013   North Dakota State University
    2014   University of Iowa
    2015   Winona State University
    2016   University of Manitoba
    2017   University of Minnesota
    2018   University of North Dakota
    2019   University of Wisconsin-Madison

    a) Host institutions shall be limited to those schools and colleges holding ABET accreditation in engineering curricula or engineering technology;
    b) Any institution which has not served as host must submit a written request to the Executive Committee indicating its desire to be included in the rotation schedule of those institutions.

  • A regular business meeting for the Section shall be included on the agenda for each annual meeting.
  • The Executive committee shall meet prior to the business meeting of the Section to consider all matters that may require consideration by the membership.
  • For purposes of planning and implementing the annual meeting and day-to-day Section operations including the expenditure of ASEE allocated funds and processing proposals for discretionary funds, the Executive Committee empowers an Executive Board, as comprised below, to act on behalf of the Executive Committee, except that matters of policy (such as this matter) must continue to be passed by the Executive Committee.

    a)  Executive Board composition: Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, Secretary/ Treasurer Elect, Program Chair, Program Chair Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Archivist, Section Campus Representative, and Section Campus Representative Elect.
  • Preparation of the program for a subject-matter divisional meeting, held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Section, shall be carried out by a planning committee of that subject-matter group cooperating with the Executive Committee of the Section. The Chair of this planning committee shall be located at the institution which is to act as host for the meeting. Groups holding divisional sessions at an annual meeting may select planning committees for future meetings at that time and place. Other subject-matter areas for which divisional programs are desired by the Executive Committee will have a planning committee appointed by the Chair of the Section.

Article VII. Amendments

  • These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members present at any regular business meeting of the Section.

October 10, 2003